Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
9 E Homestead Ave. Palisades Park, NJ 07650 201-944-2107 Sundays 11:00 a.m. We preach Christ crucified (1. Corinthians 1,23)

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Colossians 2,12-15. Quasimodogeniti

Colossians 2,12-15           2522

Quasimodogeniti 37 

Egbert, priest, 729 

Johann Walter, Kantor, 1570 

24. April 2022

1. As new-born babes:   

Desire the sincere milk of the Word (1. Peter 2,2a). 

O Jesus Christ, our Savior, You have overcome death, have risen and have taken sin captive; grant to us that we will always trust in the victorious resurrection, so that we are confident in our salvation for You are a merciful Lord.  Amen. (Jesus Christ, unser Heiland Martin Luther 1524 elkb 438,1). 

2. »Having been buried with Christ Jesus in Baptism, in which you were also raised with Him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised Him from the dead. And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This He set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in Him.« 

3. Paul tells us that we »received Christ Jesus the Lord« (Colossians 2,6). In this reception, Paul tells us that »having been buried with Christ Jesus in Baptism, in which we were also raised with Him through faith.« Just as the Passover connects Jews to the Exodus, so does Baptism connect Christians to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Paul says we have been crucified, buried and risen with Christ. For Paul, this, and nothing else, is the gospel. It is why he tells the Corinthians: »I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified who has been raised from the dead« (1. Corinthians 2,1; 15,20). He told the Galatians: »There is no other gospel but that of Christ crucified« (Galatians 1,6-9; 3,1). 

4. Paul says the gospel has been witnessed by many people. The Romans, the Jews and Jesus’ disciples saw Him crucified; His disciples buried Him; over 500 of His disciples have seen Him risen with their very eyes. The gospel is public testimony. Paul says we are baptized into this gospel, faith is created by this gospel and Jesus is the foundation of this gospel. 

5. Paul proclaims this gospel is for every man, woman and child, for both Jews and Gentiles. All of us were dead in our trespasses and sins. We inherited this death from Adam. Our fallen, sinful nature begets more sins. „Because of the Fall, we have come under the cruel tyranny of sin and we willingly obey it. Our desire, by nature, is to serve sin. Each of us serves certain sins that have full power over us. … The most frightening thing about all of this is that when a person determines to free himself from this or that sin that is causing him such misery, he is utterly unable to do so“ (Walther 4683-91). Such is the total corruption of our sinful fallen nature.

6. Thanks be to God Christ Jesus is our Risen Savior! Christ crucified and risen for us; He has made us who were dead in our sinfulness alive together with Him. With His death Christ purchased the forgiveness for all our sins and also canceled the debt of those sins by paying the sacrificial price for them. With His resurrection Christ has overcome the curse of death. Death and the grave are no longer a threat to separate us from God but are now the means of bringing us more completely into His presence. Jesus’ resurrection is the first fruits of the general resurrection that we will have on the last day. By His resurrection, Christ has swallowed up death in victory; death has lost its victory and its sting. The Risen Christ is our victory over sin, death and the grave! (1. Corinthians 15,54-57) 

7. »We have been raised with Christ and set our minds on the things that are above« (Colossians 3,1-2). We put aside the sinful works of the flesh — for Christ has shamed them — and put on the compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, forbearance, forgiveness and love. These are the spiritual disposition we have on account of and through the crucified and risen Christ. Let us also be steadfast in prayer and walk in the wisdom found on the study of Holy Scripture (Colossians 4,2.5). 

8. The strife is o’er, the battle done;

Now is the victor’s triumph won; 

Now be the song of praise begun. Alleluia!

The pow’rs of death have done their worst,

But Christ their legions hath dispersed. 

Let shouts of holy joy outburst. Alleluia! (Symphonia Sirenum Selectarum, Köln, 1695  lsb 464,1-2) 

This is most certainly true. 

9. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4,7).  Amen. 

11. Let us pray. O Lord Jesus Christ, truly God and fully human, You died for our sins on the cross, and You rose again from death, and live and reign forever as our Mediator and Gracious King. Graciously forgive us our sins, intercede for us poor sinners, make us righteous and sanctify and reign in us with Your Holy Spirit to bring us eternal life. Gather now Your eternal Church from every land. Give us good government, and protct us from the power of the evil foe.  Amen. (Die pommersche Kirchen-Ordnung und Agenda 289.3; Stratman 42). 

To God alone be the Glory 

Gode ealdore sy se cyneþrymm


All Scriptural quotations are translations done by The Rev. Peter A. Bauernfeind using the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, 4. Edition © 1990 by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart, and the Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland 28. Revised Edition © 2012 by Deutsch Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart. 

ELKB. Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern. Copyright © 2019 Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern. 

VELKD. Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands. Copyright © 2020 Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands. 

Stratman, Paul C. Prayers for the Evangelical-Lutheran Heritage. Copyright © 2017. 

Monday, April 18, 2022

Mark 16,1-8. The Resurrection of the Lord

Mark 16,1-8          2422 

The Resurrection of the Lord 35

Anicet, Bishop of Rome, Martyr 173

17. April 2022

1. Christ, being raised from the dead, dies no more. Alleluia:  

Death has no more dominion over Him. Alleluia. (Romans 6,9). 

I know that my Redeemer lives. Alleluia.

Who shall at the last day wake me from the earth. Alleluia. (Job 19,25) 

O Almighty God, who by the death of Your Son has brought to naught sin and sin and by His resurrection has brought against innocence and everlasting life so that, delivered from the Devil’s power, we may live in Your kingdom: Grant us that we may believe this with all our hearts and, steadfast in this faith, praise and thank You always.  Amen. (Luther 134). 

2. »When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint Jesus. And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. And they were saying to one another: „Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?“ And looking up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back – it was very large. And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were alarmed. And he said to them: „Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; He is not here. See the place where they placed Him. But go, tell His disciples and Peter that He is going before you to Galilee. There you will see Him, just as He told you.“ And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.« 

3. When Jesus had been crucified on Friday, Mary Magdalene, Mary the Mother of James and Salome were there at His feet. These 3 women, and many others, followed Him when He began His ministry in Galilee and ministered to Him. They were with Him at the beginning and they remained faithfully at His side unto His very end, though painful and heart-wrenching it was. Jesus did not die alone, for these 3 women did not forsake Him in His hour of utmost need. 

4. They on the 3. day, they hasten to His tom. They had buried Him in haste late Friday afternoon. There was not enough time to give Him a proper burial. But now the Sabbath is over, and on early Sunday morning they go to pay their final respects to a man who loved them, respected them and had taught them so much from the Scriptures. He had been through friend, teacher and Messiah.  

5. They arrive at Jesus’ tomb to find the stone rolled away. That was unexpected. Who has gotten here before them?the only reason to open the tomb would be to go inside. So they go inside and find not the body of Jesus but a young man dressed in a white robe seated on the right side of where they had laid Jesus to rest. Matthew, Mark and John tell us this person is an angel.  

6. Mark’s description of this angel as a young man is consistent with His description of Jesus through his Gospel. Mark describes Jesus as completely ordinary and natural (Voelz 1208). It is clear to Mark that Jesus indeed is the Son of G, yet Mark goes to get length to say Jesus presented Himself as very human, in every way a man (Voelz 1208). So this young man is clearly an angel, as his white robe signifies to the women, but other than that He appears as an ordinary and natural man, just like Jesus appeared (Voelz 1208). 

7. Even the angel’s message to the women is ordinary and natural. »Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; He is not here. See the place where they placed Him.« It is simply as Jesus told you it would be. It should be no surprise or shock that He is not here. He did tell you He would die and then rise again.  

8. Jesus’ disciples had heard this time and agin, but they did not comprehend it. Now the reality of it is seen by these women and they are alarmed and left afraid. This is how Mark ends his Gospel. What does this mean? 

9. Throughout his Gospel, Mark notes that fear is a sure sign of Divine activity (Voelz 1211). This is particularly seen in Mark 4,41 where Jesus stills the storm. The disciples became greatly afraid and began to ask each other: Who, then, is this, that both wind and wave obey Him? Jesus had saved them by exercising His Divine authority, and the disciples were afraid. In Mark 16, Jesus has risen and His tomb is empty. He has exercised His Divine authority and the women are afraid. The women know they stand in the presence of Jesus’ saving activity, but this salvation is much greater than stilling the storm. 

10. What Mark tells us is that had we been there we would have likewise done the same as the women (Voelz 1210). We have what they had — the Word — the promise of Jesus: just as He told you (Voelz 1210). And just as it was for them, for us this promise is all we need (Voelz 1210). 

11. The women saw the empty tomb and believe the words of the angel — Jesus  is risen. Like the women, we have heard their testimony of the risen Jesus and we believe their words. If we believe Jesus’ words, then we will see Him (Voelz 1210) for He is risen indeed. Hallelujah! 

12. Christ indeed from death is risen,

Our new life obtaining. 

Have mercy, victor King, ever reigning!

Amen. Alleluia. (Christians, to the Paschal Victim lsb 460,3 Wipo of Burgundy d. c. 1050)

This is most certainly true. 

13. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippines 4,7).  Amen. 

10. Let us pray. O Almighty and Eternal God, Merciful Father, You gave Your Son for our sins, and raised Him up again for our righteousness. Through Him You have overcome death and have opened for us the way to eternal life. Through Your Holy Spirit, grant that we may rely on this in true faith, that our bodies also will arise with Christ to eternal life, an that by remembering this comfort we may endure all kinds of sorrow in this life with patience through the power of the resurrection of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen. (Die pommersche Kirchen-Ordnung undAgenda 282.2 from Martin Luther, Die Gebete Luthers, #13; Stratman 41-42). 

To God alone be the Glory 

Gode ealdore sy se cyneþrymm


All Scriptural quotations are translations done by The Rev. Peter A. Bauernfeind using the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, 4. Edition © 1990 by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart, and the Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland 28. Revised Edition © 2012 by Deutsch Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart. 

ELKB. Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern. Copyright © 2019 Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern. 

VELKD. Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands. Copyright © 2020 Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands. 

Evangelisch-Lutherisches Kirchengesangbuch. Copyright © 2021. Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. 

Lutheran Service Book. Copyright © 2006. Concordia Publishing House. 

Stratman, Paul C. Prayers for the Evangelical-Lutheran Heritage. Copyright © 2017. 

Voelz, James W. Mark 8:27-16:20. Copyright © 2019.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Luke 23,32-49. Good Friday

Luke 23,32-49             2322

Karfreitag 32 

Anastasia and Basilissa, Martyrs under Nero 66

15. April 2022

1. Surely He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows: 

He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities (Isaiah 53,4a.5a). 

O Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, You have borne the guilt of sinners and were laden with the sins of the earth, comfort us this day that You gladly suffered the Passion of Your crucifixion, so that we now stand before God the Father as spotless and righteous as You ever are.  Amen. (A Lamb Goes Unclomplaining Forth  elkg 414,1; lcms 438,1 Paul Gerhardt 1607-76). 

2. »Two others, who were criminals, were led away to be put to death with Him. And when they came to the place that is called The Skull, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on His right and one on His left. And Jesus said: „Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.“ And they cast lots to divide His garments. And the people stood by, watching, but the rulers scoffed at Him, saying: „He saved others; let him save himself, if he is the Christ of God, his Chosen One!“ The soldiers also mocked Him, coming up and offering Him sour wine and saying: „If you are the King of the Jews, then save yourself!“ There was also an inscription over him: „This is the King of the Jews.“ One of the criminals who were hanged railed at Him, saying: „Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!“ But the other rebuked Him, saying: „Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.“ And he said: „Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.“ And he said to him: „Truly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in paradise.“ It was now about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour, while the sun’s light failed. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said: „Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit!“ And having said this He breathed His last. Now when the centurion saw what had taken place, he praised God, saying: „Certainly this man was innocent!“ And all the crowds that had assembled for this spectacle, when they saw what had taken place, returned home beating their breasts. And all His acquaintances and the women who had followed Him from Galilee stood at a distance watching these things.« 

3. All of the Gospels record at least 1 of the 7 statement Jesus spoke while being crucified. Luke records for us 3 of those 7. The 1. is:  

4. »Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.« This is a plea for God the Father’s mercy. The Roman soldiers don’t know they are crucifying an innocent man. They know that Pilate has found Him guilty of sedition and has sentenced Him to death. They know little to none of the particulars of His trial. They are tasked to carry out corporal punishment, and they do so. Sins of ignorance are still sins; just as the excuse „I was just following orders“ does not absolve one of committing a crime against humanity. These soldiers have innocent blood on their hands, and Jesus extends forgiveness to them.   

5. Every man, woman and child is as guilty as these Romans. Jesus is being crucified for them, for us, for you. An innocent man dies in place of the guilty. Jesus is on the cross for us, bearing all our sin and suffering the fate that is rightly ours. Each one of us is a little Barabbas — set free at Jesus’ expense. This indeed was the plan of the Father and His Son. Jesus crucified is the reason He was born 30 years earlier in Bethlehem. The Triune God’s Heilsgeschichte (salvation history) was fulfilled on Karfreitag. The next words Luke records for us are: 

6. »Truly, I say to you: today you will be with Me in Paradise.« The Jews referred to a quarter of heaven in or above the 3. heaven with the designation of Paradise. (2. Corinthians 12,4; Revelation 2,7) The lxx translates „garden of Eden“ as „paradise of Eden“ because literally paradise refers to an enclosed orchard or garden with fruit trees. It is similar to פךה : to bear fruit. It is a future place of happiness. The insurrectionist on the cross next to Jesus asked Him to remember him when He entered into His kingdom, and Jesus replied: »Today you will be with Me in Paradise.« To be in the presence of God is to be in paradise. Jesus promised Dismas that he would dwell in God’s presence for all eternity.

7. The promise given to Dismas is the same promise given to all who confess Jesus to be the Christ: though you now suffer, one day you will be with Jesus in paradise, in His presence and enjoying eternal life. Jesus was crucified to open up this paradise to all believers. Sin demanded a sacrifice; Jesus was that sacrifice; paradise is the fruit of Jesus’ sacrifice. Thus we sing in the Te Deum: When You had overcome the sharpness of death, You opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers (lsb 224). The final words spoken by Jesus in Luke’s crucifixion account is: 

8. »Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit!« This is a cry of trust. Jesus is displaying His confident trust in the Father as the one who redeems, rescues and delivers the believer (Just 944). Jesus is rejoicing in His Father’s salvation (Just 944). 

9. Jesus’ 3 words recorded in Luke are words of forgiveness, comfort and confident trust in God (Just 945). Jesus is in complete control and to the end He is the Savior (Just 945). The Roman centurion testified to this when he »praised God, saying: „Certainly this man was innocent!“« Jesus is the Righteous One who suffered and died to make each one of us righteous. 

10. What language shall I borrow

To thank Thee, dearest Friend,

For this Thy dying sorrow, 

Thy pity without end?

O make me Thine forever!

And should I fainting be,

Lord, let me never, never,

Outlive my love for Thee (O Sacred Head, Now Wounded lsb 450,5 Bernard of Clairvaux 1091-1153). 

This is most certainly true. 

11. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4,7).  Amen. 

12. Let us pray. O Almighty Father, Eternal God, for us You sent Your Son and let Him suffer the pain of the cross, so that He might drive away from us all the terror of the evil foe. Move us to joyfully give thanks for His suffering through which we have received forgiveness of sins and redemption from eternal death.  Amen. (Martin Luther, Die Gebete Luthers, #14; Stratman 38). 

To God alone be the Glory 

Gode ealdore sy se cyneþrymm


All Scriptural quotations are translations done by The Rev. Peter A. Bauernfeind using the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, 4. Edition © 1990 by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart, and the Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland 28. Revised Edition © 2012 by Deutsch Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart. 

ELKB. Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern. Copyright © 2019 Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern. 

VELKD. Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands. Copyright © 2020 Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands. 

  Evangelisch-Lutherisches Kirchengesangbuch. Copyright © 2021 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. 

Just, Arthur A., Jr. Luke 9:51––24:53. Copyright © 1997 Concordia Publishing House. 

Lutheran Service Book. Copyright © 2006 Concordia Publishing House. 

Stratman, Paul C. Prayers for the Evangelical-Lutheran Heritage. Copyright © 2017. 

1. Corinthians 10,16-17. Holy Thursday

1. Corinthians 10,16-17            2222

Gruendonnerstag 31 

Tiburtius and Valerianus, Martyrs at Rome 229 

14. April 2022

1. God forbid the I should glory; save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

In Him is salvation, life and resurrection from the dead: by Him we are redeemed and set at liberty (Galatians 6,14). 

O Lord Jesus Christ, You He comes to us in bread and wine, You are close to us; inspire us to now joyfully sing a new song, so that we praise the miracle that is now happening in this Sacrament.  Amen. (Singt nun froehlich ein neues Lied elkb 228,1 Gottfried Martens 2004). 

2. »The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.« 

3. The Sacrament of the Altar brings Christ to us. The cup with the wine is a participation in the blood of Christ, and the bread is a participation in the body of Christ. There is only 1 cup and 1 bread, for there is only 1 Christ. 

4. The Corinthians, however, acted like there are many christs and therefore many cups and many bread. Paul chastises them on account of this. When they gather as the church they divide themselves into factions, and each group receives the Sacrament apart from the others (1. Corinthians 11,17-19). Paul tells them when they do this they are not eating the Lord’s Supper. To eat something other than the Lord’s Supper is serious business with serious consequences.  

5. The Lord’s Supper is instituted by Christ to give us His body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins. The Sacrament gives us God’s mercy and grace. If you’re not eating the Lord’s Supper, then you are not being given God’s mercy and grace; forgiveness is absent, and consciences are thus uncertain about the Lord’s absolution.  

6. Unity in the Christian faith can be fractured in a myriad of ways. Unrepentant sin, hateful attitudes and false doctrine are but a few. these drive a wedge between Christians and that effects the Church as the body of Christ. Paul exhorted the Corinthians to put aside their factions and gather together as one Church and receive together the Lord’s Supper. You are 1 in Christ; act like it.  

7. In Christ, we who are many are 1 body, that is, the Church. »There is 1 body and 1 Spirit … 1 Lord, 1 faith, 1 Baptism. 1 God and Father of all, who is over all, through all and in all« (Ephesians 4,5). That’s what Paul told the Ephesians. And to the Corinthians he said: »For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes« (1. Corinthians 11,26). 

8. „During this Lenten season we have heard our Lord’s call to intensify our struggle against sin, death and the devil—all that prevents us from trusting in God and loving each other. Since it is our intention to receive the Holy Supper of our Lord Jesus Christ on this night when He instituted this blessed meal for our salvation, it is proper that we complete our Lenten discipline by diligently examining ourselves, as St. Paul urges us to do. This Holy Sacrament has been instituted for the special comfort of those who are troubled because of their sin and who humbly confess their sins, fear God’s wrath and hunger and thirst for righteousness. 

9. „But when we examine our hearts and consciences, we find nothing in us but sin and death, from which we are incapable of delivering ourselves. Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ has had mercy on us. For our benefit He became man so that He might fulfill for us the whole will and law of God and, to deliver us, took upon Himself our sin and the punishment we deserve. 

10. „So that we may more confidently believe this and be strengthened in the faith and in holy living, our Lord Jesus Christ took bread, broke it, and gave it to His disciples and said: „Take, eat; this is My body, which is given for you.“ It is as if He said: „I became man, and all that I do and suffer is for your good. As a pledge of this, I give you My body to eat.“ 

11. „In the same way also He took the cup, gave thanks and gave it to them, saying: „Drink of it, all of you; this cup is the new testament in My blood, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.“ Again, it is as if He said: „I have had mercy on you by taking into Myself all your iniquities. I give Myself into death, shedding My blood to obtain grace and forgiveness of sins and to comfort and establish the new testament, which gives forgiveness and everlasting salvation. As a pledge of this, I give you My blood to drink.“ 

12. „Therefore, whoever eats this bread and drinks this cup, confidently believing this Word and promise of Christ, dwells in Christ and Christ in him and has eternal life. 

13. „We should also do this in remembrance of Him, showing His death—that He was delivered for our offenses and raised for our justification. Giving Him our most heartfelt thanks, we take up our cross and follow Him and, according to His commandment, love one another as He has loved us. As our Lord on this night exemplified this love by washing His disciples’ feet, so we by our words and actions serve one another in love. For we are all one bread and one body, even as we are all partakers of this one bread and drink from the one cup. For just as the one cup is filled with wine of many grapes and one bread made from countless grains, so also we, being many, are one body in Christ. Because of Him, we love one another, not only in word, but in deed and in truth. 

14. „May the Almighty and Merciful God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, by His Holy Spirit, accomplish this in us“ (Altar Book 507-8). 

15. One in faith, in love united, 

All one body, You the head,

When we meet, by You invited,

You are with us, as You said.

One with You, and one another

In a trinity sublime, 

See in us Your sister, brother,

One in every place and time (When You Woke That Thursday Morning lsb 445,4 Jaroslav J. Vajda 1919-2008). 

This is most certainly true. 

16. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4,7).  Amen. 

17. Let us pray. O dear God, through this wonderful sacrifice of Your suffering, You have commanded us to remember Your Passion and proclaim it. Move us to make use of this Sacrament of Your body and blood, that Your redemption may bear fruit in us daily.  Amen. (Martin Luther, Die Gebete Luthers, #18; Stratman 37). 

To God alone be the Glory 

Gode ealdore sy se cyneþrymm


All Scriptural quotations are translations done by The Rev. Peter A. Bauernfeind using the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, 4. Edition © 1990 by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart, and the Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland 28. Revised Edition © 2012 by Deutsch Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart. 

ELKB. Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern. Copyright © 2019 Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern. 

VELKD. Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands. Copyright © 2020 Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands. 

Altar Book. Copyright © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.

  Martens, Gottfried. Singt nun froehlich ein neues Lied. Evangelisch-Lutherisches Kirchengesangbuch. Copyright © 2021 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. 

Stratman, Paul C. Prayers for the Evangelical-Lutheran Heritage. Copyright © 2017. 

Vajda, Jaroslav J. When You Woke That Thursday Morning. Lutheran Service Book. Copyright © 2006 Concordia Publishing House. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

John 17,1-8. Palmarum

John 17,1-8           2122

Palmarum 30 

Daniel, Prophet 606-536 bc 

10. April 2022

1. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him: 

And with His stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53,5). 

O Almighty Father, Eternal God, who didst allow Thy Son to suffer the agony of the cross so that Thou lightest drive from us the enemy’s power: Grant that we may so observe His Passion and give thanks for it that we may thereby obtain forgiveness of sin and redemption from death eternal.  Amen. (Luther 133). 

2. »When Jesus had spoken these words, He lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: „Father, the hour has arrived; glorify Your Son so that the Son may glorify You, since You have given Him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom You have given Him. And this is eternal life, that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. I glorified You on earth, having accomplished the work that You gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify Me in Your own presence with the glory that I had with You before the world existed. I have manifested Your Name to the people whom You gave me out of the world. Yours they were, and You gave them to me, and they have kept Your word. Now they know that everything that You have given Me is from You.“« 

3. Jesus prayed on Maundy Thursday that »The hour has come to give eternal life.« This hour is where the 40 days of Lent lead us: to the cross. By His crucifixion, Christ gives eternal life. 

4. But this hour is fraught with betrayal, shame and suffering. It is a dark hour where the shadows of evil have everything going their way. Palmarum begins with hope and optimism, but the week ends with despair and pessimism. Holy Week shows us the deadly seriousness of sin and its consequences; these cannot be overlooked or avoided, for sin must be dealt with, and that has a bloody, painful cost.  

5. Jesus is willing to pay this cost with His own life. Nothing will detour Him from paying it. But in the process one apostle will betray Jesus and end his life, another apostle will deny Him and broke down in tears and all of the remaining apostles fled from Jesus in fear for their lives. We often fall prey to such shortcomings. We are lazy in prayer, shy away from reading the Scriptures and allow temptations to gain the victory over us on a daily basis. Our spirit is often willing, but our flesh is more often weak. 

6. Jesus is determined in spirit and flesh to meet this hour and merit the salvation of the world. Yea, though He walked through the valley of the shadow of death, Jesus feared no evil (Psalm 23,4). He conquered sin, death and the Devil; by His stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53,5). During His public ministry, Jesus glorified His Father on earth, and by His crucifixion His Father glorified Jesus. The cross is where God saved the world. Everything in the Scriptures lead up to it and prepared for it; everything since then the Church has pointed back to the cross. Paul says: »We have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives in us. And the life we now live in the flesh we live by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave Himself for us« (Galatians 2,20). Paul says we boast in the cross of Christ (Galatians 6,14).  

7. On Palmarum, Jesus entered Jerusalem to the glorious cheers of »Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Yahweh, even the King of Israel!« (John 12,13). Then on Karfreitag, Jesus left Jesus to the goading jeer of: »Away with him, away with him, crucify him! We have no king but Caesar.« (John 19,15). Jesus was glorified both on Palmarum and Karfreitag

8. His glory on Palmarum is easy to see, but His glory on Karfreitag is paradoxical. Of His impending crucifixion, Jesus said on the one hand: »I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is My distress until it is accomplished!« (Luke 12,50), and said on the other hand: »The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Truly, truly I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it does, then it bears much fruit; for this purpose I have come to this hour. Father, glorify Your Name. When I am lifted up from the earth, then I will draw all people to Myself« (John 12,23-24.27-28.32). 

9. Lent has been preparing us for the hour when Jesus was glorified. Lent has led us to Palmarum, and Palmarum leads us to Karfreitag and the cross; and on the cross Jesus paid the price for us to enjoy eternal life. The hour of Christ’s glory draws nigh!

10. In the cross of Christ I glory,

Tow’ring o’er the wrecks of time.

All the light of sacred story

Gathers round its head sublime. (In the Cross of Christ I Glory lsb 427,1 John Bowring 1792-1872).  

This is most certainly true. 

10. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4,7).  Amen. 

11. Let us pray. O Lord God, Father of all mercy, graciously look on Your poor flock for whom Your dear Son Jesus Christ did not refuse to be betrayed into the hands of sinners, and endured the shameful death of the cross. Give us Your grace so that we may follow the example of Your dear Son and bear all suffering with patience, so that You, with Your beloved Son and the Holy Spirit may be glorified always.  Amen. (Die pommersche Kirchen-Ordnung und Agenda 288.3; Stratman 35-36). 

To God alone be the Glory 

Gode ealdore sy se cyneþrymm


All Scriptural quotations are translations done by The Rev. Peter A. Bauernfeind using the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, 4. Edition © 1990 by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart, and the Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland 28. Revised Edition © 2012 by Deutsch Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart. 

ELKB. Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern. Copyright © 2019 Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern. 

VELKD. Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands. Copyright © 2020 Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands. 

  Herman, Nikolaus. Ein wahrer Glaube Gotts Zorn stillt. Evangelisch-Lutherisches Kirchengesangbuch. Copyright © 2021 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. 

Franzmann, Martin H. In Adam We Have All Been One. Lutheran Service Book. Copyright © 2006 Concordia Publishing House. 

Luther, Martin. Luther’s Works Vol. 53. Copyright © 1965 Fortress Press. 

Stratman, Paul C. Prayers for the Evangelical-Lutheran Heritage. Copyright © 2017. 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

John 8,46-59. Judica

John 8,46-59          2022 

Judica 29

Agape, Chionia, Irene, Virgins, Martyrs at Thessalonica, 304

3. April 2022

1. Mine eyes are ever toward Yahweh: 

for He shall pluck my feet out of the net (Psalm 25,15). 

O our Lord Jesus Christ, when our sins make us sick, let us well remember how You died upon the tree of the holy cross and have taken upon Yourself all of our debts and paid them in full.  Amen. (Wenn meine Sünd’ mich kränken selk 404,2 Justus Gesenius 1646). 

2. »„Which one of you convicts Me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me? Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.“ The Jews answered Him: „Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?“ Jesus answered: „I do not have a demon, but I honor My Father, and you dishonor Me. Yet I do not seek My own glory; there is One who seeks it, and He is the Judge. Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word, he will never see death.“ The Jews said to Him: „Now we know that you have a demon! Abraham died, as did the prophets, yet you say: ‘If anyone keeps My word, he will never taste death.’ Are you greater than our father Abraham, who died? And the prophets died! Who do you make yourself out to be?“ Jesus answered: „If I glorify Myself, My glory is nothing. It is My Father who glorifies Me, of whom you say: ‘He is our God.’ But you have not known Him. I know Him. If I were to say that I do not know Him, I would be a liar like you, but I do know Him and I keep His word. Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see My day. He saw it and was glad.“ So the Jews said to Him: „You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?“ Jesus said to them: „Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.“ So they picked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple.« 

3. John 8,58 is the cornerstone of Jesus’ debate with the Jews (read: the scribes and Pharisees): »I tell you the absolute truth, before Abraham was, I am.« Jesus is referring them back to the Burning Bush: »When Yahweh saw that Moses turned aside to see the Angel of Yahweh appearing in the flame of the bush, God called to him out of the bush … „I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob“ …. Then Moses said to God: „If I go to the people of Israel, … and they ask me: ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to them?“ God replied: „Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’“« (Exodus 3, 

4. God’s name that He gives to Moses is: Yahweh; it translates into English as I am who I am or I will cause to be. God’s personal name highlights His omnipotence (Hummel 71). The name God gives Moses is His personal Name, and this focuses on the Biblical accent often found in creation and incarnation narratives in the Bible (Hummel 71). 

5. When Jesus tells the Jews: »Before Abraham was, I am« it was understood by every one that Jesus is claiming to have the Name God gave to Moses at the Burning Bush. I am spoke to Moses at the bush, and now I am spoke to the Jews in the person of Jesus. Every one understands the connection: Jesus is claiming to be Yahweh who spoke to Moses 1000s of years earlier. This declaration by Jesus can mean only 1 of 2 things: Either Jesus is indeed Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who redeemed Israel from Egypt by Moses, or Jesus is blaspheming, that is, He is claiming to be God even though He is not. The Jews, that is, the Pharisees, hear Jesus’ statement and judge Him guilty of blasphemy and death — that is why they pick up stones; they want to kill Him for taking God’s Name for His own. 

6. As difficult as it may be to accept that Jesus is indeed Yahweh, it is the only answer that affirms what He has thus far done and said in John’s Gospel. By chapter 8, Jesus has already performed 5 signs as proof of His Divinity (2,9; 4,54;5,8; 6,13; 6,19) and He has claimed to be the Messiah (4,26) and the He has Divine authority from His Father (5,19). The eyes and ears of the crowds attest to this Divine nature of Jesus, but the scribes and Pharisees refuse to believe. They accuse Him of being a Samaritan and possessed by a demon. Hence, they must kill Jesus for His supposed blasphemy.  

7. Jesus very deliberately takes the Jews back to the Exodus event. The Exodus is the great act of redemption by Yahweh in their history God performs more and more powerful signs through Moses in the plagues. God delivers them from death to life. God visibly and physically appears to Israel at Sinai. God speaks in their midst. As great as Exodus is: Jesus proclaims that He has arrived in their midst to perform an even greater redemptive act. Jesus proclaimed: »I came from God and I am here, for He sent Me« (John 8,42). 

8. Early in His ministry, Jesus said: »And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life« (John 3,14-15). In His lifting up on the cross, Jesus adjudicated our cause before God the Father. Jesus was judged in our place whereby He vindicated us of God’s wrath and delivered us from His punishment upon sin. He has opened up the promised land of heaven to us, and He leads us into our eternal home.

9. This lamb is Christ, the soul’s great friend,

The Lamb of God, our Savior,

Whom God the Father chose to send

To gain for us His favor. 

„Go forth, My Son,“ the Father said:

„And free My hidden from their dread

Of guilt and condemnation.

The wrath and stripes are hard to bear,

But by Your passion they will share

The fruit of Your salvation.“ (A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth lsb 438,2 Paul Gerhardt 1607-76)

This is most certainly true. 

9. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippines 4,7).  Amen. 

10. Let us pray. O Lord God, Heavenly Father, just as the adversary continually afflicts us and as a roaring lion walks about, seeking to devour us, for the sake of the suffering and death of Your Son, Jesus Christ, help us by the grace of the holy Spirit and strengthen our hearts by Your Word, that our enemy may not prevail over us, but that we may always abide in Your grace, and be preserved to eternal life.  Amen. (Veit Dietrich, Summaria christlicher lehr, Lent 1, 1548; Stratman 36). 

To God alone be the Glory 

Gode ealdore sy se cyneþrymm


All Scriptural quotations are translations done by The Rev. Peter A. Bauernfeind using the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, 4. Edition © 1990 by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart, and the Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland 28. Revised Edition © 2012 by Deutsch Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart. 

ELKB. Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern. Copyright © 2019 Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern. 

VELKD. Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands. Copyright © 2020 Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands. 

Evangelisch-Lutherisches Kirchengesangbuch. Copyright © 2021. Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. 

Hummel, Horace D. The Word Becoming Flesh. Copyright © 1979 Concordia Publishing House.

Lutheran Service Book. Copyright © 2006. Concordia Publishing House. 

Stratman, Paul C. Prayers for the Evangelical-Lutheran Heritage. Copyright © 2017.